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Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Exploitative Nature of Beauty Pageants Essay

The Exploitative Nature of Beauty Pageants - Essay Example The author researched the subject and acquired statistics demonstrating the malevolent influence of beauty pageants on young vulnerable girls as well as mature women. He was also able to locate and speak with a number of former beauty queens who were quite frank in giving the details of how their lives had been affected by their participation in the beauty pageants. The author’s friends were somewhat skeptical about his choice of topic because they are all models. Moreover, all the information he got about what life really is like for a beauty queen convinced him that the benefits of the title ‘beauty queen’ are far outweighed by the drawbacks caused by it. The researcher’s aim was to inform the audience, which consisted of young women and men in their twenties and thirties about the many emerging beauty queen competitions in the area and convince them that these pageants were destructive and would ruin the self-esteem of any woman or girl that agreed to pa rticipate in them. The author had done a lot of research and documented his discussions with former beauty queens who gave him permission to use their stories. The author was able to use such information in his speech with astounding success. He also mentioned the dates on which he had conducted the interviews so as to demonstrate how recent the issue is. Usually, the researcher is quite nervous before delivering a speech. However, this time he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was excited and could not wait to deliver his speech; particularly when the author saw the gathering audience. Corporate workers and a large group of models sat at the front while the youth occupied large spaces in the back. The researcher’s model friends and he had sat up arguing about the reasons why beauty contents are destructive, and he was still charged for that experience. The author launched into his speech with gusto, though he tried to avoid speaking too fast in order to cover all the points in his speech. The author asked a few models he recognized in the audience about what they did o a daily basis to maintain their low weight. This sparked immediate discussions among the audience members; with some shouting answers and others murmuring about anorexia. From the stance adopted by nearly all the members of the audience, the author could tell that his subject was very interesting.

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