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Friday, October 18, 2019

Low in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Low in business - Essay Example In the UK, â€Å"Product liability law defines a defective product as existing when the safety of the product is below that which consumers are entitled to expect†¦The standard of proof required by the court is such that the person claiming compensation must be able to show†¦that the defect in the product caused the injury or damage† (â€Å"UK Product Liability Law,† 2009). In one case of product liability, â€Å"[an individual] helped his mother attach [a] product to his younger brothers pushchair. One of the elastic straps slipped and lashed back. The buckle attached to the elastic strap hit him in the eye causing serious, permanent damage. The claimant sued Mothercare, the supplier of the product, claiming damages in negligence and also under the Consumer Protection Act† (â€Å"Abouzaid v. Mothercare (UK) Ltd.,† 2009). Brian is a budding semi-professional roller skater, and ha been practising for a national roller skating competition in which he was the favourite to win a 5000-pound prize. Albert asked James (Phillip’s younger brother and sales associate at Cretins Ltd.) whether the store had any skates suitable for semi-professional skating. Not only did Brian fall, but he brought his father down with him. Brain sustained a broken ankle, which would prevent him from skating for a year—while Albert sustained a broken arm in the accident. This is an incidence of where product liability would come into play. â€Å"Products liability refers to the liability of any or all parties along the chain of manufacture of any product for damage caused by that product. This includes the manufacturer of component parts (at the top of the chain), an assembling manufacturer, the wholesaler, and the retail store owner† (â€Å"Product Liability—US,† 2009). There are multiple possibilities. â€Å"Products liability law consists of a mixture of tort law and contract law†¦Aspects that relate to

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